Brazilian Butt Lift in Miami, FL
Lately, much more attention is being placed on achieving a curvy and well-rounded bottom, especially when paired with a slim waist. Everyone can see the trend all over social media, with post after post promising to unlock the magic workout or diet that will help viewers grow their buttocks into that perfect shape. The truth is, much of what you can achieve actually has to do with genetics and age–even with the strictest exercise routine of squats, lunges, and hip thrusts.
If you want to enhance your silhouette with a fuller, more curvy bottom and have not been blessed with the genes that grant that, a Brazilian Butt Lift can help to achieve a beautifully personalized outcome that looks and feels as natural as your unique self. Dr. Karlinsky performs Brazilian Butt Lifts in Miami, FL, to help patients reach their desired aesthetic and feel confident in their appearance.
What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) has boomed in popularity over the past several years and is now one of the hottest and fastest-growing cosmetic surgery procedures in the country.
The Brazilian Butt Lift adds volume to your buttocks while reducing stubborn fat from another area of your body using liposuction. This excess fat is then reinjected into specific areas of your butt to enhance its size and shape. The end result is rounder, perkier buttocks that complement your figure and look completely natural.
What Is the Difference Between Butt Implants and a BBL?
A Brazilian Butt Lift offers a more natural looking–and feeling–enhancement to the buttocks than the other surgical alternative, buttock implants. Dr. Karlinsky believes that many women and some men as well are drawn to the Brazilian Butt Lift because it uses your body’s own natural fat cells (autologous fat cells) to add volume, rather than having to rely on silicone implants.
Traditional butt implants would sometimes result in an overly done or unnaturally exaggerated appearance that might work against the patient’s natural body type.
A Brazilian Butt Lift, however, achieves noticeable augmentation while also looking very natural–as though the enhancement was always a part of your body. Additionally, since the procedure uses your own fat cells, your BBL will physically feel like authentic fat.
The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure also avoids implant-related issues such as shifting and extrusion. Statistically, the potential risks and complications associated with solid silicone buttock implants are much higher than those associated with the Brazilian Butt Lift. In addition, recovery after a Brazilian Butt Lift is usually much shorter and less involved than with previous butt or gluteal implants.
What Are the Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift?
In addition to the boost of confidence you’ll feel after a Brazilian Butt Lift, the procedure can:
- Refine your feminine silhouette with a rounder, lifted, and well-shaped bottom
- Refine your masculine shape with filled-out, shapelier buttocks
- Provide realistic results
- Use your body’s own excess fat for a more natural procedure as opposed to silicone
- Quicker recovery times than gluteal/buttock implant surgery
- Offer a safer alternative, as some patients have adverse reactions to silicone
- Improve your appearance permanently
Brazilian Butt Lift results don’t just improve the look of your buttocks. Dr. Karlinsky can create better harmony and proportions for the rest of your body by enhancing the shape and projection with an eye for beauty and balance.
For our female patients, the goal of this procedure is to provide you with a well-rounded bottom with curves flowing smoothly into the shape of your hips, waist, breasts, and down through your legs. Dr. Karlinsky thoughtfully approaches each woman’s individual Brazilian Butt Lift so that her results are genuinely personalized to her unique shape. For our male patients, the goal is to recreate a robust masculine shape of your back and buttocks, which aligns with the rest of your body.
Am I a Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Dr. Karlinsky believes the Brazilian Butt Lift is an excellent option for men and women who want to accentuate the curves of their bottoms. Because this surgery requires your body’s fat to add volume, you must have enough excess fat to be used for the procedure. Donor fat is often taken from the abdomen, back, arms, or thighs. This way, you are slimming a problem area while enhancing your backside at the same time.
Additionally, all Brazilian Butt Lift patients must be in good health, at a stable weight, and are nonsmokers. Suppose you’ve been unable to achieve your desired figure with diet and exercise alone. In that case, a Brazilian Butt Lift can provide rewarding benefits that supplement your healthy lifestyle by refining your feminine or masculine curves and giving you the confidence you deserve.
If you are interested in Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Miami, Florida, call us today at (786) 719-1780 to schedule your consultation.
How Is a Brazilian Butt Lift Performed?
The first step to any procedure is to schedule your comprehensive consultation with Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini. During your consultation, Dr. Karlinsky will listen to your concerns, goals, and questions before examining you to determine the best surgical plan to achieve the desired results.
The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure begins with liposuction on the pre-determined area of the body. Dr. Karlinsky will make small incisions on the donor area, usually the abdomen, thighs, or hips. She will insert a small, thin tube called a cannula that will remove the excess fat through the incisions. With fluid, even movements, Dr. Karlinsky will carefully remove fat and create a pleasing contour in the donor area. Once the fat has been harvested, it will be cleansed and processed for reinjection.
Next, the autologous fat will be carefully injected into the buttocks. This process is precise, as Dr. Karlinsky must create a pleasing contour, add volume, and ensure the fat looks smooth and natural.
Brazilian Butt Lift surgery is generally performed on an outpatient basis, using general anesthesia. Once your unique surgical plan has been created and agreed upon, Dr. Karlinsky will go over the specific steps of your procedure.
What Is Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery Like?
Recovery following your surgery with Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini will vary based on the specific steps of your personalized procedure. The Brazilian Butt Lift is an outpatient procedure after which you can return home under the care of a responsible adult. Dr. Karlinsky will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions that will help optimize your results for maximum fat survival, and you will also be given her personal cell number in case any questions or concerns arise during your recovery at home.
In the initial days following your Brazilian Butt Lift, some bruising and swelling is to be expected. In fact, you will notice that your initial results look even fuller than you expected. This is due to swelling, as well as the fact that the body will naturally absorb some of the cells. Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini will thoughtfully plan for this by injecting just the right amount of fat to achieve your desired shape and size after full recovery.
What Are the Results of a Brazilian Butt Lift?
If you want this procedure before an upcoming vacation or event, you should plan on having your surgery at least two months before. This will allow for a full recovery and your final results to set in. Once your body has fully healed, you will notice a fuller and shapelier contour to your buttocks and a slimmer appearance where liposuction was used to harvest donor fat. Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini’s patients are ecstatic at how natural the results of their Brazilian Butt Lift both looks and feel.
Our favorite part of this procedure is the confidence it often provides. Each man and woman can achieve a unique aesthetic goal that Dr. Karlinsky fully personalized to his/her figure. We are passionate about creating outcomes that are true to the person you are so that you can feel sexy and confident, whether you’re sunbathing in Miami, dancing at the clubs, or simply relaxing at home.
Dr. Karlinsky’s eye for beauty and surgical precision gives her patients stunning results, creating a “wow” factor.
Brazilian Butt Lift Before & After

Brazilian Butt Lift – Before

Brazilian Butt Lift – After
Brazilian Butt Lift FAQ
How much does a BBL cost in Miami?
The cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift in Miami will vary depending on the specific surgical plan that Dr. Karlinsky designs for you, the type of anesthesia used, and if you have combined procedures. Once Dr. Karlinsky creates your surgical plan, she will happily provide an accurate cost estimate.
Will I have scars after my BBL?
One benefit of the Brazilian Butt Lift is that compared to other surgical procedures, it leaves minimal scarring. This is due to the small size of the incisions, as liposuction and fat transfer both require very small (about 5 mm. long) incisions.
Any time an incision is made on the body, scarring is possible. However, these small incisions are very easily concealed by clothing, underwear, or most bathing suits, and with proper care, they should fade with time.
Will my BBL results be permanent?
After your body goes through the entire healing process, including the stage in which your body may process some of the transferred fat, the remaining fat is permanent. Additionally, the fat cells are permanently removed wherever you had fat harvested via liposuction. With proper diet and exercise, you may enjoy the results of your Brazilian Butt Lift and liposuction for years to come.
How can I maintain the results of my BBL?
Although the results of your Brazilian Butt Lift are permanent, there are some things you can do to retain fat during your healing process. Eating as much nutrient-rich food as possible during your recovery process is essential in a method called “feeding the fat.” The more protein, vitamins, and healthy fat you consume, the easier your healing process is and the faster you can recover. This also helps you retain the transferred fat better.
While you will not regain those transferred fat cells for the slimmed section via liposuction, it’s vital to maintain proper diet and exercise to keep your contoured figure.
Can I combine my Brazilian Butt Lift with any other procedures?
Some patients may choose to combine their Brazilian Butt Lifts with other body contouring procedures such as abdominoplasty. This can be a great way to slim and contour the midsection, along with enhancing the buttocks for a stunning hourglass figure.
Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini will only combine procedures if she believes it is absolutely safe to do so. Be sure to discuss your options with her during your consultation, and she will honestly assess whether this option is possible for you.